Presentation Workshop on 17 March 2024

We are going to hold a presentation workshop titled “Let’s speak, communicate, and connect!” as a satellite meeting during the 65th annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists.

Date: Sun., 17 March 2024, 19:00–20:30 (Reception: 18:30–)
Venue: Room 502, Kobe International Conference Center
Lecturer: Aska Takeuchi (Alba Edu Inc.)
Organizers: Chihiro Furumizu (Hiroshima University) / Yasunori Ichihashi (RIKEN) / Tomoyuki Furuya (Ritsumeikan University)
Language: Japanese

There are many opportunities to convey one’s thoughts to others, such as in research presentations, lectures, teaching, and job hunting.
On the other hand, some of you may not feel comfortable with public speaking and are wondering how to speak in a way that gets across.
In this workshop, you will learn how to make presentations that stick out in an audience’s mind.
Join us and learn from the presentation education professional. Let’s think together about presentations that move people’s hearts and minds.
We also hope that this workshop will inspire new exchanges and research collaboration!

This workshop is free and open to all. Please register in advance using the form below. Registration may close early due to the limited number of participants.
Registration form:
Registration closing date: Fri., 1 March 2024